Thursday, February 23, 2012

FineScale Modeler Tips

I just received an email from FineScale Modeler magazine Associate Director Aaron Skinner stating that my reader tip about blogging scale model projects will be added to the April 2012 issue of FSM. 

This news just made my day and I sure can't wait to get my hands on that issue!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Super Glue sure Sticks!

The schwimmwagen has several grills on the top side as well as behind the back seats. Tonight I worked on the the one behind the seats and after taking this photo I realized that I just glued my fingers to the toothpick that was holding the grill down! I barely managed to peel my fingers off of the toothpick and suspect that a few seconds more would have create a more serious issue. I also made a mental note to buy myself a product to remove super glue to avoid any embarrassing moments in the future... That was a close call! 

I ended up redoing the grill three times before I got it perfect.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Installed the seats to the chassis and added the steering wheel column. Hey its starting to look like a vehicle!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Filling the Gaps

Today I installed the top half to the bottom part of the Schwimmwagen. Unfortunately it was not a perfect fit and there was a noticeable gap that could be seen from above. A bit of white glue should due the trick! I'll paint it to match the rest of the vehicle tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


As usual I always put my name in my models with the year it was built, for the Schwimmwagen it will be hidden in the motor compartment which will not be accessible.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Seating Arrangements...

Completed the interior of the Schwimmwagen, had some issues with the seats since there was not much place to apply the super glue. Also added little details if you look at the gear shift and hand brake.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Workplace

Having moved into a new home in December and with the holidays I had to put modelling aside for a small while. I finally got a little corner of my basement setup and can't wait to get back to my hobby.