Saturday, May 7, 2016

Paint Rack

I've had the idea for probably about a year now to make myself a paint rack as I have been finding it harder and harder to find the color I am looking for as my paint collection has expanded over the past 8 years.

After a bit of research online to see other examples I headed out to my local hardware store (Canac Marquis) and picked up an 8 foot piece of square molding in pine wood for about $10. I had pre-calculated the all my cuts, took out my miter saw, cut it up, assembled and glued together with white carpenter glue.

Voila! A nice simple paint rack that can accommodate up to 64 bottles of 4ml Tamiya paint. I have almost 50 bottles of paint so I still have a bit of space left before considering building another one although at this point I have pretty much all the basic colors so my collection has not been increasing by much...

This was a great little weekend project that did not cost much, was fun and simple to build, and most importantly made my hobby workspace a much more organized and professional workspace.

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