Sunday, February 3, 2019

Box Art Discrepancy

Tonight I applied the first decals to the kit and after placing the first side panel yellow rectangle I happened to glance at the box art and noticed a discrepancy.

The first image is the kit with decals supplied and the second image is that from the box art. Notice how the yellow rectangle goes from edge to edge... The decals provided leave a large gap which I found odd so I looked up some photos online and while it does not go edge to edge there is a small gap. My issue is that the gap I have is much larger than I would desire.

While not perfect I am going to say it is close enough. I debated creating my own decals but since the yellow would not match I would probably have to redo all the yellow lines which are not an interesting task.

My conclusion is that I suspect that those yellow lines on the box art are painted...